She and I went to the midnight opening of "Alice in Wonderland" in full costume....wigs and all. Last year when she heard the movie was coming out, she decided she wanted to be the Queen at her big Halloween party that we hold every year for the kids.
We went to the store and she picked out the pattern and all the fabrics, it was quite the costume, her taste is amazing. I even sewed horse hair into the hem to make it flounce out. Two months later I got a job at the Megaplex Movie Theatres and got to see the previews for the movie, over and over again. I decided to make the Mad Hatter costume for myself.
Sage bought the premier party tickets with her own money...we were so excited to go. In our theatre chain we have a very cool location that has a restaurant called "The Mayan". It has mexican food, and a pool with divers that dive two stories down into the water while you eat. The theatre at that location has an IMAX 3D theatre where we watched the Alice movie. It was so amazing...when we arrived, we were one of the first to get there, they had: posters with one of the artists signing them: Seth Hippin, Alice movie buttons, little vials of "drink me" liquids, dancing, a bull to ride, games and prizes...and all the popcorn and pop we could eat.
We each won in our catagory, Sage won one of the two Queen prizes and I won one of the Mad Hatter prizes. It was pretty close. The judge was the sponsor/owner of a costume she appreciated that the costumes we had were hand made and accurate to the movie....hopefully Sage can post the movie she's the post for her movie:
She is the one in the red much fun, to stay up til midnight to have an adventure! We are getting ready to go to the Anime Convention this October.....more sewing ahead!