When I was a kid my Mom thought it would be great if all 6 of us kids learned to play an instrument. Being the oldest I wanted to learn something that I could do right now! I started with the piano...it was kinda fun at first, but I hated the practicing. And, then I was informed that it would take years and years of practicing and performing at piano recitals. (I actually still remember my first piece.) So, then I decided to try the violin. I think the piano has 88 keys, the violin only has 4 strings....this seemed to look easier.
My Mom is a wonderful violinist and played 2nd violin until just this year in the Utah Valley Symphony. Every Wednesday night was her symphony night. This was her get-a-way from the 6 kids. If we ever complained, Dad said "this is Mom's night out and she needs the break, NO complaining."
Then, I tried the violin, I was sent up the hill to a lovely home with an actual music room....my teacher was so nice and professional, and I was in the school orchestra...oh ugh, just NOT for me either. The trama, stage fright, sweating bullets....this wasn't something that I was looking forward to for the next 20 years!
One day my Mom had her sewing machine out on the kitchen table, I asked to use it....she showed me the different levers, how to use the foot pedal. Interesting part was, although not perfect, I could sew immediately. I was making clothes for my Barbie, and she was such a good model. Darts were one of the first techniques I figured out fast with Barbie's busty shape.
I had found my "instrument". The machine and I were a perfect fit. I was 5' 11" tall in 7th grade and the mini skirt was very "in" at the time. I just didn't want to show that much of my body for public consumption. The middie and maxi skirts were also popular, but due to my height I couldn't find those styles in proportion to my body, but using the sewing machine I could make my own. I had found my niche in my life....my instrument, and a way to make a good living in later years to come.
I would NEVER be in the orchestra, but I did make my Mom's black orchestra dress for her concerts. So, that was as close to my musical performance as I would ever be. And gotta say Mom looked pretty great.
I think my first paid sewing job was in high school. I was in sewing classes and tailoring also. One of the ladies in my neighborhood/church hired me to make her a red flowered pant suit. I wish I could remember what I was paid for that job....it was probably around $20. and I wish that I had taken photos back then.....but it was sure alot better pay than babysitting @ 50 cents per hour.
In high school there was a cute girl that was crafty, we crafted these little dogs made out of felt that we sold to our friends in school, I have had my hand in a bit of this and that ever since. This includes: "Cindy's Futon Factory"I learned how to do this by visiting a lady next door to my apartment in Albuquerque New Mexico....I went to see her one day after watching her make them outside my window. She was doing it on a tarp on the grass in her yard. When I moved to St. George Utah I needed a job to make extra money, and actually made my own futons and sold them to a design/decor store in Salt Lake City called Domus. I created a table to do it on, so I could do it standing up at my own tall height.
I later had a clothing company called "Buffalo Tie Clothing Company" I went on the road and sold ties, boxers, jumpers, bags and tee shirts at arts and crafts festivals. It all started because I had created a handmade tie for my husband one very meager Christmas. Everywhere he went the guys wanted to buy that tie right off of him. It was during the 1990's floral cotton tie phase. I went to Arts and Craft festivals all over the western states. Sometimes I would make up to $4,000. in one 3 day show. It started out as just ties, but I made this cute floursack jumper to wear in my booth with my logo silk screened on the muslin fabric, all the ladies wanted my jumper, so it evolved into clothing, tees, bags, baby hats and boxers which were very popular at the time.
I have been sewing for "sew" many years. This talent has blessed my life in more ways than I can count. And now I do custom drapes, pillows, decor items, and I sew for Colcasacs.com. I even made Sage a backpack for high school out of a plastic movie poster. Sewing at home has created a situation where I can stay home with my daughter and be an at home Mom which brings me the greatest joy of all.
Bravo! You truly have made sewing an art.
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot about you in this post! I wish I could get my daughters to meet your mom because I am determined they are going to be world class violinists! So glad your "instrument" of choice now helps you provide for your family.